SPECIAL forums
We are Celebrating National Minority Health Awareness Month in a Big Way!
Community Hero Action Group is proud to host the 1st Annual Pennsylvania Black Health Matters Conference on April 8, 2021. The purpose of this event is to
- Increase awareness,
- Provide accurate information, and
- Share strategies to lessen the burden of disproportionate access to quality healthcare.

Booker T. Washington established the National Negro Health Week 106 years ago, which has since grown to the month-long initiative that is observed today. In 2002, National Minority Health Month received support from the U.S. Congress with a concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 388) that “a National Minority Health and Health Disparities Month should be established to promote educational efforts on the health problems currently facing minorities and other health disparity populations.” The resolution encouraged “all health organizations and Americans to conduct appropriate programs and activities to promote healthfulness in minority and other health disparity communities. Source:

Conference Schedule

and there’s more…

Sure, we’re not in person, but you can definitely leave with some great prizes! Would you like to win a gift card to Whole Foods or the hottest cookbook out? Make sure you register early and you will increase your chance to win. Fun games throughout the day to show off what you’ve learned and win some cool prizes. So register today!

Cook with an Expert
Have you ever wanted to ask an expert chef how to give your meals a little more pizazz! Well, here is your chance. Sign up for a lunchtime cooking session with the chef of the stars, Elijah Milligan, and creator of the initiative “Everyone Eats.” If you sign up in advance, you will get the recipe so you can cook while he’s cooking and also get to chat with him in real time! How fun is that!

Find a New Job!
This is a health fair and then some! Make sure that you visit our virtual job booth. Representation matters in every aspect of life including healthcare. We have invited healthcare organizations from across the Commonwealth to hang out at our Representation Matters booth to answer questions about posted positions along with information on the healthcare jobs that are in high demand.

Do You Want to Get Involved?
Visit the Community Hero Unity Booth and meet groups from all across the Commonwealth who are serving the health needs of the Black community. You may the resources you need or even find an organization you’d like to join, so be sure to drop by.
Sharing Means Caring
This conference is perfect for anyone who wants additional information and resources about their health. We encourage you to share the event with your loved ones so you both get all of the valuable information! Tag us on Facebook because we will sharing cool giveaways for some lucky folks who register early. We look forward to seeing you there!
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